Tuesday, October 23, 2012

On My Way

I am so, incredibly exhausted and I really don't feel like going to Colby. I'm in the car, on my way to this new town called Colby, to visit my dad and his wife for the summer. I'm just honestly hoping and praying that everything goes well but thats practically wishful-thinking. I hate the fact that I was forced to do this and that this is going to be the most pathetic two months of my life. 
Oh, and there's her. The stepmother. Emphasize on the STEP. I couldn't take her for more then 5 minutes at a time. Her name is Heidi and she basically e-mail's me at least six times a month. I cannot stand her. So, those are one of the things that will add on to the pathetic-ness (if that's even a word?) in the upcoming two months.
I can't even express how I'm feeling. I'm filled with all these different emotions bundled up inside me and I can no longer take it. I almost feel like I'm becoming claustrophobic. I need to get out of this car. Next time I write to you guys, it'll be when I finally arrive to this horrible place. Hopefully we can stop for ice cream on the way to make me feel just a little bit better...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Crush of Colby

Morning blog-readers,
I've recently just moved to this new town called Colby to come visit my dad and his new wife. Blah. As you guys can see, I'm not too psyched about this whole concept. 

I hate this town. I hate how care-free everyone is here and how selfish they are. There are so many problems in the world and all these people can think about is going to the beach and surfing and swimming. I hate how perfect all these families act, when they know it's all a lie and that they'll eventually fall apart like every family does. 
I met this guy a couple days ago, he's kind of annoying, but I think I like him. He's the only thing that really interests me in this town so far. I was at the beach one day, and I almost got ran over by this idiot named Eli. When he walked out of his car, he tried to apologize for almost running me over, with this smirk on his face that made me wanna slap him across the face. To me, he was just some insincere dude who doesn't know how to drive.
I kept running into him, and eventually began to think that he was stalking me. To make a long story short, eventually we got close and he started opening up to me. He told me about how one of his best friends got into a car accident and he blamed himself for it because he was the one driving the car. He beats himself up about it everyday and hates himself for it. Hearing this broke my heart and I started to fall for him. The more we hung out, the more I liked him. I realized that he wasn't as big as an idiot as I thought, and that maybe this town wasn't so bad after all.

Yours truly,

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Welcoming post

Welcome to all!
Its Audren here, and I would like to welcome all of you to my new blog. I've chosen to create a blog in order to prevent myself from having a breakdown. So, if you guys wouldn't mind, I would like to vent to you all, about my life. Enjoy.

For starters, I'm a very quiet person. So this, is sort of the "wildest" thing I've done in a while. No jugding! 
I live with my mom, my parents are divorced. I do a lot of homework. And I enjoy it. I guess you can say it was the way I was raised. I never really felt like a child in my so called "childhood" because my parents always treated me like an adult. Which I'm sure, most of you blog-readers are yelling inside, envious of this particular characteristic of mine. Not too fast, being treated like an adult isn't as wonderful as you all may think it is. The expectations my mom had from me were faaaaar from exciting or envious worthy. It was like my life was all about work. Until, one summer, I got to see a different side of the world. A side that I never got to see before.
I spent my summer with my dad, my stepmom and my sister. This adventure helped me find myself, it helped me visualize things outside the box. And learn things far more important then just homework and school. I met a guy. A cute guy. I learned there was more to life then just studying.
The reason I'm sharing this with you, is because, well, I was lucky to have been able to have this oppurtunity this summer. To act like the teenager I've always wanted to be. But, some of us are not that fortunate. A lot of people grow up and become very depressed with their life. They miss out on being a teenager and miss out on having fun and living life. So, they go into jobs they hate, and eventually they just break down, some of them have mid-life crisis', and some even end up ruining their family. Like my parents did.
I would just like you all to know that it's never too late to live your life and that there's much more to life then just studying and working all the time. And that, you can bring out the teenager inside of you at any age.

Yours truly,